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Battery Charging Guide

This article will give you an overview of the best practices for charging your ebike battery so that it charges efficiently and safely.


  1. Safe charging temperatures
    1. Batteries depend on chemical reactions to charge and to release energy, and these reactions are most efficient at moderate temperatures. At very low temperatures, your battery may not charge or release energy efficiently or at all. At very high temperatures, your battery can get too hot, causing internal damage or even a fire hazard. Your battery is designed to shut off automatically at extreme temperatures, but you still need to be careful.
    2. For best charging performance and to minimize wear and tear on components, we recommend charging at ambient temperatures of 41°F to 77°F (5°C to 25°C). Batteries generate heat while charging, but your battery is designed to air-cool, so keep it uncovered with the light facing up on a flat, stable, hard, unheated surface. At relatively low temperatures, charging can take longer.
  2. Safe charging environment
    1. Where to charge. Always charge in a safe, dry, indoor area that is away from children, direct sunlight, dirt, debris, tripping hazards (including electrical cords), or any materials that could ignite in the unlikely event of a charger or battery malfunction. Arrange the bike, battery, and charger to eliminate the potential for falls or other impacts. Make sure you stay close enough to it to check on it occasionally.
  3. Charging procedure
    1. You can charge your battery either when it’s on or off your ebike as long as the charging environment meets the criteria described in the previous sections.
      1. Turn off your ebike.
      2. Remove the battery if you want to charge it away from the ebike
      3. Locate the charging port of the battery. Do not confuse the key port and charging port. The charging port includes a flexible cover. The key port does not have a cover.
      4. Place the charger on a flat, secure surface if you have removed it from your ebike. Ensure the charging indicator light or lights are facing up
      5. Plug the charger into the battery charging port. Open the flexible cover on the charging port. Connect the charger’s round barrel connector to the charging port on the side of the battery.
      6. Plug the charger into a power outlet. Look for the charge status on your charger, indicated by the color of one LEDs (small lights):
        1. If your charger has one LED: Charging will initiate and be indicated by the LED on the charger turning green (to indicate power source connection) and then immediately turning red to indicate active charging. When charging is complete, the LED will turn green again.
      7. When charging is complete, unplug the charger from the power outlet, and then unplug it from the battery. Be sure to pull gently on the plugs, not on the cables themselves.