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KG4 Error Code Troubleshooting

In case of an electronic control system fault, an error code will appear on the display, below are the error code for troubleshooting.


Error 21: Abnormal Current

This error indicates a problem with the power going from the battery to the controller. This error can often be fixed by turning the bike off and on again, but if you continue to get the error click below for additional troubleshooting steps.

  1. Get the bike ready for maintenance. Turn off the bike, remove the battery, and press MODE or the power button to discharge remaining power.
  2. Check the battery and battery mounting tray.
    1. Inspect the battery terminal contacts and battery mounting tray. The contacts must be clean and dry.
    2. Check if the issue is resolved. Reinstall the battery and turn on the bike. If Error 21 appears, remove the battery and press and hold MODE or the power button to discharge remaining power, then continue to the next step.
  3. Check the battery connector
    1. Locate the battery connector. Trace the cable from the battery mounting tray to the connector.
    2. Unplug the battery connector. Snip zip ties as needed to access the connector. Pull each side of the connector directly apart, without twisting, to unplug.
    3. Inspect the inside of the connector. The inside must be clean and dry, If the inside is wet, dirty, or damaged that may need to replace the connector.
    4. Plug in battery connector. If the connector looks normal, line up the internal notch and pins (and the flat side) and press directly together, without twisting, to reconnect.
    5. Replace the snipped zip tie and trim it to be flush and smooth.
    6. Check if the issue is resolved. Reinstall the battery and turn on the bike. If Error 21 appears, remove the battery and press and hold MODE or the power button to discharge remaining power, then continue to the next step.
  4. Check the motor connector
    1. Locate the motor connector. Trace the cable from the motor to the connector. The connector is large, black, and located near the rear wheel.
    2. Unplug the motor connector. Snip zip ties as needed. Pull each side of the connector directly apart, without twisting, to unplug.
    3. Inspect the inside of the connector. The inside must be clean and dry. If the inside is wet, dirty, or damaged, that may need to be replaced by the motor.
    4. Plug in motor connector. If the connector looks normal, line up the internal notch and pins (and external arrows) and press directly together, without twisting, to reconnect.
    5. Replace the snipped zip tie and trim it to be flush and smooth.
    6. Check if the issue is resolved. Reinstall the battery and turn on the bike. If the error persists, contact Keego product support
    7. Complete


Error 22: Faulty Throttle

Error 22 on the display often indicates a throttle issue, Follow the steps below to troubleshoot the error.

  1. Get the bike ready for maintenance. Turn off the bike, remove the battery, and press MODE or the power button to discharge remaining power.
  2. Locate the throttle connection. Trace the cable from the throttle to the connector.
  3. Unplug the throttle connector. Pull each side of the connector directly apart, without twisting, to unplug.
  4. Inspect the inside of the connector. If you notice any moisture, dirt, or damage, that may need to replace the throttle
  5. Reconnect the throttle connector. If the connector looks clean and normal, align the internal notches and pins (and external arrows) and press each side directly together, without twisting, to reconnect.
  6. Reinstall the battery and test the bike fully before riding


Error 23: Motor Phase Fault

Error 23 on the display often indicates a problem with the motor phase wires, Follow the steps below to troubleshoot the error.

  1. Get the bike ready for maintenance. Turn off the bike, remove the battery, and press MODE or the power button to discharge remaining power.
  2. Locate the motor cable connector. Trace the cable from the motor at the rear wheel to the connector.
  3. Unplug the motor connector. Pull each side of the connector directly apart, without twisting, to unplug.
  4. Inspect the inside of the connector. If you notice any moisture, dirt, or damage, take photos and contact Keego Mobility for help.
  5. Reconnect the motor connector. If the connector looks clean and normal, align the internal notches and pins (and external arrows) and press each side directly together, without twisting, to reconnect.
  6. Check if the issue is resolved. Reinstall the battery and turn ON the bike. If the error continues or a connector is damaged, that may need to replace motor.


Error 24: Motor Hall Fault

Error 24 code on display often indicates a motor hall fault, Follow the steps below to troubleshoot the error.

  1. Get the bike ready for maintenance. Turn off the bike, remove the battery, and press MODE or the power button to discharge remaining power.
  2. Locate the motor cable connector. Trace the cable from the motor at the rear wheel to the connector.
  3. Unplug the motor connector. Pull each side of the connector directly apart, without twisting, to unplug.
  4. Inspect the inside of the connector
  5. Reconnect the motor connector. If the connector looks clean and normal, align the internal notches and pins (and external arrows) and press each side directly together, without twisting, to reconnect.
  6. Reinstall the battery and turn the battery to the “On, Locked” position.
  7. Test the throttle. Mount the bike onto a bike maintenance stand and turn ON the bike. Carefully check that the throttle will revolve the rear wheel when twisted.
  8. Turn OFF the bike
  9. Perform a “rollback test.” In a location with ample space around you, turn ON the bike and once the Display turns on, roll the bike backwards while twisting the throttle quickly and gently on and off. See if the motor will apply any power to the wheel.
  10. If still not work, that will need to replace the motor


Error 25: Brake Switch Fault

Error 25 code on an LCD display often indicates a brake switch fault, The error can often be cleared by releasing the brake lever.

In the unlikely event the error continues, follow the steps below.

  1. Get the bike ready for maintenance. Turn off the bike, remove the battery, and press and hold MODE or the power button to discharge remaining power.
  2. Locate the left brake connector. Trace the cable from the left brake lever to the connector at the front of the bike.
  3. Unplug the connector. Pull each side of the connector directly apart, without twisting, to unplug. Leave the connector unplugged for now.
  4. Reinstall the battery and turn on the bike. Press and hold MODE or the power button to turn on the bike.
  5. Turn the pedal assist to level 0. Press the down arrow to turn the pedal assist to level 0.
  6. Ride the bike, without using Pedal Assist or the throttle, to check if the error is resolved. With the appropriate safety equipment and in a safe, open area, carefully ride the bike slowly (with the connector unplugged) and without electrical assistance from the throttle or pedal assist to see if the error still appears. As long as no power assistance is on, the mechanical disc brakes on the bike will still slow and stop the bike properly even when the electrical connector is unplugged.
  7. Note if the error 25 is still displayed, then stop the bike and plug in the connector. Dismount the bike and carefully line up the notches and pins (and external arrows), and press each side directly together, without twisting, to reconnect.
  8. If the issue is resolved, test the bike fully before riding. If the error persists, follow the steps below to continue troubleshooting.
  9. Repeat steps 1 through 8 for each of the following connectors, one at a time.
    1. The right brake connector. Trace the cable from the right brake lever to the connector at the front of the bike and repeat steps 1 through 8.
    2. The taillight connector. Trace the cable from the taillight to the connector and repeat steps 1 through 8.
    3. Test the bike fully before riding.


Error 30: Communication Fault

This article will step you through a connector check of KG4 to help you troubleshoot electrical system problems including an Error 30 (Communication Error).

The process will require you to power off the bike, remove the battery, discharge residual power, unplug a connector and inspect it (take photos of any signs of moisture, debris, or damage), carefully plug the connector back in, turn on the battery, and check if the issue is resolved when you power on the bike. Repeat the process for each connector until the issue is resolved.

Tools needed:

  • Flat side cutters to snip zip ties securing the connector cables,
  • A camera to take photos of any moisture, debris, or damage for Keego Mobility Product Support,
  • A 2.5 mm Allen wrench,
  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Replacement zip ties to secure the cables once the process is complete


Before You Start

  1. Prepare your bike for maintenance. Turn off the bike, remove the battery, and press and hold the power button to discharge remaining power.
  2. Inspect the battery and battery mount terminal contacts. If the contacts are damaged, dirty, or wet, the part may need to be replaced.


The First Connector Types

The first connectors you’ll check are ones that, if damaged or loose, can prevent the bike from turning on or operating at all.

You will unplug one connector type at a time, inspect the insides, reconnect it, and turn on the bike to see if the error is resolved. As you work through the connectors, use flat-side cutters to snip zip ties as needed to create enough slack to unplug the connector.

Click on each heading below and follow the instructions within to check your connectors.

  1. Display Connector
    1. Make sure the bike is powered off.
    2. Remove the battery.
    3. Press and hold the power button to discharge any remaining power.
    4. Locate the display connector. Find the display and remote (color display only)on your handlebar, and trace the cable coming out of it to the first connector.
    5. Open the connector. Gently but firmly pull the two sides of the connector apart without twisting. The interior of the connector is green with four pins.
    6. Inspect the connector. If the interior is damaged, dirty, or wet, you may need to replace any components attached to the damaged side(s) of connector(display side or wiring harness side).
    7. If you find no damage, reconnect the connector and test the bike. Align the external arrows and internal pins, and push the connector halves together firmly without twisting. Reinstall the battery and turn on the bike.
      1. If the error stops displaying, you likely just fixed a loose connection. Re-secure all of your cables with new zip ties, making sure to not crimp any cables (if you need to bundle them, loop them gently). Perform a normal pre-ride safety check of bike.
    8. If the error continues, move onto the next connector check.
  2. Wiring Harness Connectors
    1. Locate and unplug the connector. Snip any nearby zip ties if you need cable slack, and pull each side of the connector apart, without twisting, to unplug.
    2. Inspect the inside of the connector. If the inside is damaged, dirty, or wet, the part may need to be replaced.
    3. With the connector unplugged, reinstall the battery, turn the bike on, and check whether the error is resolved.
    4. If the error is resolved: The part that is unplugged may have caused the error and need to replace
    5. If the error continues: Turn off the bike, remove the battery, and discharge remaining power. Then carefully reconnect it.
  3. Battery connectors
    1. Turn the ebike off by pressing and holding the power button.
    2. Remove the battery.
    3. Press and hold the power button to discharge any remaining power.
    4. Carefully snip the zip ties holding together the bundle of cables under your the frame. This is in the area between the bottom of the battery tray and the controller.
    5. Locate the battery connector or connectors (there may be one or two). Trace the cable coming out of the bottom of the battery tray all the way under the frame and into the rear side of the controller. Along this cable there will be one or two connectors that you need to check.
    6. Open the connector(s). Gently but firmly pull the two sides of the connector apart without twisting. The interior of the connector(s) will be black with two pins.
    7. Inspect the connector(s). If the interior is damaged, dirty, or wet, you may need to replace any components attached to the damaged side(s) of connector(s)
    8. If you find no damage, reconnect the connector(s) and test the bike. Align the external arrows and internal pins on the connector(s), and push the connector halves together firmly without twisting. Reinstall the battery and turn on the bike.
      1. If the error stops displaying, you likely just fixed a loose connection. Re-secure all of your cables with new zip ties, making sure to not crimp any cables (if you need to bundle them, loop them gently). Perform a normal pre-ride safety check of your bike and ride
    9. If the error continues, move onto the next connector check.
  4. Pedal Assist System Connector –  The pedal assist system connector is on a cable that exits the base of the rider’s right pedal and extends backward until it feeds into the rear of the controller. The interior of that connector is yellow with three pins.
  5. Motor Connectors – The motor connectors are on a cable that exits the motor on the rear wheel and then go tough until it feeds into the controller. The motor connector is just above the motor on the rear wheel. The interior of the motor connectors is black with nine pins (three large pins and six small pins).
  6. Taillight Connector – The taillight connector is on a cable that exits the rear and feeds into the taillight. The interior of that connector is red with two pins.
  7. Brake Cut-off Connector – The brake cutoff connector is on a cable that exits the front and rear hand brake and feeds into the front wiring harness junction. Do not confuse it with the mechanical brake cable that also exits from the front hand brake and extends to the front wheel’s brake caliper. The connector on the motor cutoff switch cable is red and has two pins.
  8. Throttle Connector – The throttle connector is on a cable that exits the twist throttle on the right handlebar and feeds into the front wiring harness junction. Its interior is yellow with three pins.
  9. Headlight Connector – The headlight connector is on a cable that exits the bottom of the front wiring harness junction and feeds into the headlight. Its interior is red with two pins.


Error 31: Power Fault

An error 31 code on the display indicates a power button failure. Use the following procedure to troubleshoot this error.

Error 31 indicates a failure during the power on sequence, often caused by holding down the power button for more than six seconds, or if the power button is stuck. To fix this error:

  1. When powering on the KG4, release the power button once the display and remote light up. There is no need to hold the power button any longer than that.
  2. If the error persists, check that the power button on the remote is not stuck in place. If it appears to be stuck, power down the ebike and use a small tool to dislodge the button.
  3. If you continue getting the error 31 code, that need to replace the display


Error 34: Walk Mode / Stuck Button Error

This typically indicates walk mode or more of the buttons on the remote is being held down when the bike is powered on, or is stuck in position, follow the below to resolve

  1. Release the power button on the remote once the e-bike begins powering on. If any of the remote buttons appear to be stuck in position, carefully dislodge the button and check for any damage or debris which may be interfering with remote operation.