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Riding with cargo

Riding with cargo affects the ebike’s weight, balance, center of gravity, and handling. For your safety, please read the guidelines below.

Changes in Handling

A combination of factors – including the structural rigidity of the frame, individual component strength, steering behavior, and weight distribution – affect the ebike’s handling. When riding with a heavy load, the ebike will require more effort to balance and more time to brake.

There is a strong relationship between the weight of the rider and the amount of cargo the rider can comfortably balance and ride with. In practice, cargo weight should be no more than 80% of the rider’s weight.

Get familiar with riding a loaded ebike in a safe area before riding on public roads.

Do not exceed the maximum carrying capacity, which includes rider weight, rear rack and any other accessories. Check the CE frame sticker on the ebike frame for the maximum weight limit.

Riding With Cargo

If the rear of the ebike is fully loaded, test that the front wheel does not lift off and make the ebike tip over.

Cargo Positioning

Position cargo so that the center of gravity is as close to the centerline of the ebike as possible. Secure the cargo as close to the front of the rack as possible.

Balance the load. For example, when carrying a box, you should try to carry two if possible (one on either side). Lopsided loads can pull the ebike to one side.

Securing Cargo

Make sure your cargo is secured by straps or other means rated for the weight of your cargo.

Checking for Interference

  • Make sure that you have enough space to sit properly, pedal, and steer the ebike without any interference.
  • Cargo should not interfere with normal operations of the brakes and derailleur(s).
  • Long or large objects should be positioned far enough from the pedals to avoid heel strikes.
  • Tall or large objects in the front of the ebike should not block your vision.


If you cannot position cargo to fulfill ALL the above requirements, do not attempt to ride with cargo!
