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What to check before every ride

Be sure to check the following before every ride:

Electrical System

  • Check that the battery is seated properly in the carrier on the frame and fully plugged in.
  • Check the controller display for any warnings or error messages. Resolve the error before riding.
  • Check that the battery is adequately charged for the length of ride you are planning to do.
  • Make sure the front and rear lights are illuminated when they are actuated and remain on when the ebike is at a standstill.


As with all mechanical components, the ebike is subjected to wear and high stresses. Different materials and components might react to wear or stress fatigue in different ways. If the design life of a component has been exceeded, it may suddenly fail, possibly causing injuries to the rider. Any form of crack, scratches, or change of coloring in highly stressed areas indicate that the life of the component has been reached and it should be replaced.

We design our ebikes so that they can be everyday companions. For safety, however, we recommend this test before each ride:


Check the air pressure on your Tires. Use tire pressure gauge to check if the tire pressure has enough or not (tire pressure standard is marked on the tire sidewall).

Brakes and Bars

Check the Brakes by squeezing the Levers and making sure the ebike stops. Check that the Brake Cables are undamaged and untangled.

Check that Bars (Handlebar, Handlepost, Handlebar Extensions) are tightly in place and undamaged by turning the Handlebar left and right with the Front Wheel in between your legs.

Chain and Cables

Check that Chain turns freely through Gears by rotating the Crank backwards, and make sure Cables are undamaged.

Quick Releases and Nuts

Check that any Quick Releases or nuts are closed securely and locked.

Drop the Ebike

Lift the ebike a few inches and drop it to the ground. If anything shakes or rattles, make adjustments before riding.

Check the Welds

In addition to this test, please check the weld area around the Frame Joint.

Your ebike will experience stress and wear during riding. Check Frame welds for deformation and changes in color which may indicate cracking. This is especially important if the ebike has fallen over or has been involved in a crash. Note that aluminum parts, once bent, cannot be safely bent back into place and will require replacement.


The Rim should be clean and undamaged. Look out for discolorations, scratches or wear. If you have Rim Brakes, the contact surface should be checked for pits or grooves. Some Rims have a wear indicator on the brake contact surface, once the Rim wears down to the wear indicator it should be replaced.

A worn or damaged Rim may fail without warning and cause the rider to crash.


Check that the Wheels are fixed inside the Fork by pushing from each side. They shouldn’t slide along the Hub Axle. Use your hands to squeeze the neighboring pair of Spokes. If the Spoke tension difference is pronounced, have your Wheel trued. Make sure your Wheels are securely seated by lifting each end of the ebike and knocking the Wheel toward the opening of the Dropout; the Hub Axle should stay in position.


Try to turn the Saddle by hand to make sure the Seat post and Saddle are securely clamped; there should be no movement in either the Seatpost or Saddle.
